Monday, October 18, 2010

Hollywood Hipsters

The Hollywood nightlife scene has a love hate relationship with hipsters and the hipster community.

While hipsters are known for being the originators of trends, because they're ever moving (they never tend to stay fans of something for very long).

The real reason why the Hollywood nightlife business community are on again, off again fans of the hipsters, has to do with the dollar amount that the hipsters bring into their establishments....which is zero.

Hipsters don't spend money.

Hipsters are known for always sneaking in a flask, or a bottle of Jack Daniels in their purses or back pockets.

Hipsters don't do bottle service so therefore nightclub venue owners and operators don't make enough money to cover their operational cost to host the night with the hipster community.

However, the reason why the hipster community is a prime target for Hollywood nightclubs is due in large part to the fact that, they tend to brand your venue as being cool.

If that community finds your venue to be unique, cool or interesting then you will more than likely have a long run (which means, that others will also soon find it to be the hot spot, long after the hipster community deemed it to be so).

For example, David Judaken owner of the Syndicate Hospitality Group (MyHouse, MyStudio, Opera/Crimson, etc) when he opened MyHouse, he wanted to have a "cool" night of the week at his new venue (at the time). So he sought out promoters from the hipster community (David & David, Bert and Remy, Zen Freeman, etc) to kick start his Wednesday nights at MyHouse.

Long story short, the night was cool in the beginning, but it didn't generate a ton of money, so he and his management team moved that group to Saturday nights at MyHouse, and they still had to place more promoters on the night who could push tables/bottle revenue.

Today, the average Friday and Saturday night Hollywood club hoppers all look the same, have no sense of style, and listen to top 40 music, by whomever is the most cost effective random DJ with a serrato.

So in a pool of Hollywood nightclub sameness, and status quo, these venues tend to only last for a few months before having to close their doors, because they sell out to the bottle service crowd, not the cool kids.

While Monday nights at the Bronson Bar, and Friday nights at Teddy's continue to have lasted for years, and be the central spot for the cool hipster kids (however they don't generate any money).

Hipsters would rather spend their money on a vintage camera or record player, then drop $400 for a bottle of alcohol that they can by for $15 at CVS.

While the weekend Hollywood nightclub crowd only hears about new venues from either TMZ or UsWeekly; Hipsters tend to communicate amongst themselves to inform their friends about where to hangout and party.

Seems like everyone wants to be cool nowadays, the problem is how do you capitalize on it and make money (that's the question many Hollywood nightlife operators have been trying to figure out).

This will be my last post, until my next post.

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